International Summit

Monday, July 19, 2010
Yes, there really is international networking. Hard to believe that they mean what they say, but I have experienced it and now have friends across the globe, who are not only great people but who are really doing great things and are truly inspiring. This past weekend I was able to attend Golden Key's International Summit that is held annually.

This particular weekend, the international convention was held in Phoenix, Arizona. I was surprised to find out that the conference was held at an incredibly nice resort in Scottsdale, AZ. The conference lasted three days with a mix of developmental workshops, informative meetings, service projects, award assemblies, showcases, fancy dinners, entertainment and social venues. It was a much greater experience than I had anticipated. I learned so much about the club, what we are trying to accomplish/the possibilities, and really came to appreciate what Golden Key is trying to create-a better world for everyone and the possibilities of doing so. Ironically, what I enjoyed most about the conferences and am most grateful for are the friendships I developed with so many great people from all around the world. I was able to discover what other universities are like, how educational systems work in other countries, what global issues are affecting people my age. I got to see how other students in golden key are really becoming active in their clubs and communities.

I now have connections to universities and friends in South Africa, Australia, Canada, and other places within the US. I have had a glimpse of the grandeur scheme of the club, and it has really filled me with excitement to know what this club is able to accomplish and how BYU can get more involved globally and really be apart of something bigger.

In many ways, it reminded me of other things I have been able to be apart of in my life or participate in. It reminded me from my childhood of fun activities I took part in during my elementary years like Odyssey of the Mind, Model United Nations, and other competitions. It also reminded me of youth conferences and other leadership conferences I enjoyed in High School. It really helped me understand why we go to such conventions; to receive a large amount of instruction in a short amount of time, to showcase the achievements we have achieved within the last year and become excited of doing more and better the next year, and to make fast friends with people who are like us--leaders, over-achievers, do-gooders, people with ambition and high standards, and overall good people. It nice to know that you have a network of people similar to you throughout the world who come from different backgrounds, religions, customs, and experiences but the all have something to offer and are really giving something to their communities to make the world a better place.

I felt uniquely special to feel apart of something so grand and hope that in the future many more members can go to regional and international summits to enjoy the same experiences I had.
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So, What Exactly is Golden Key?

Monday, July 19, 2010
First of all, Golden Key is the world's premier international honor society that has active chapters in over 190 countries. It's mission is to help members to realize their potential. The club stands on three foundational pillars: Academics, Leadership and Service. If you would like a more detailed explanation of their by-laws, mission, and values, please visit the official Golden Key website:

Here is the vision that can be created through the your participation in your local Golden Key chapter.

Golden Key chapters play a significant local role. The BYU chapter is student run, so we have complete autonomy over organizational decisions and actions. We do have an advisor, Dr Miller from the Psychology Department, to guide us along. Beyond the basics of: yeah, it looks great on your resume, and yes, there is a possibility of receiving scholarships...blah...blah...blah, Golden Key provides a great environment to really help you to become a better person.

If nothing else it brings you among some of the greatest people on campus-the smartest, top of their class students from all of the different departments and majors. It provides a local, social networking of sorts that can really add to your experience at BYU. It also provides away for you to get really involved in your community through service. Yes, there are hundreds of other service organizations around campus; I mean this is BYU where everyone really tries hard to better themselves and give back to the community-it is apart of our aims at BYU, but golden key opens up so many avenues. We are open to anything. We have a Service Chairperson who tries to organize several projects throughout the year, both ones that continue throughout the year and others that you just do it and get it done. But, there are also projects being done by clubs throughout the world that collaborate with each other and are really trying hard to make this world a greater place to live. Being apart of Golden Key helps to open up these extra avenues and really help you to network with the rest of the world. There are so many members of golden key that are in action and are starting their own organizations of service that aren't run by a board of directors and they really can put forth their own ideas.

Leadership, another pillar. There are so many numerous ways to be a leader in this club. This club is full of leaders, all of you are leaders, within your own departments because of your success and abilities. You are the brightest and the best, and being at BYU that says a lot. But, there is also the ability of having leadership titles, to be apart of something that you help run, create, and grow. You can put your own ideas into action. You can run to be an officer, you can be a part of a committee to help plan service projects, social activities, workshops, you name it you can do it. You can be as much of a leader as you want to be and really get involved in the international level where you can receive awards and really be recognized for your abilities and achievements.

Academics, the last pillar. Already, most of you are here because of your academic record, you already excel at what you do, but in Golden Key we offer more. As apart of our aim, in serving you, we hope to provide you with Personal and Professional Development opportunities through workshops, lecture series and inspiring messages from distinguished honorary member in and around the community. There are so many ways a person can grow and we hope to aid you to grow and reach your potential in all capacities and areas of your life. We hope to add to your well-rounded education, and provide you with something extra to aid you in being a better person in your community as you leave your BYU education.
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