Leilani Clifford (Service Chair) with John Mitchel ( Golden Key CEO)
The CEO of Golden Key International Honour Society, John Mitchell, visited BYU campus during August to meet with various campus dignitaries, such as John Bell, Dean of Undergraduate Studies, and President Samuelson. A few of the Golden Key BYU Chapter officers were able to accompany John to a few of the meetings.
John informed us there will be $600,000 in scholarships awarded (not just "available") this year, and that the Society's funds are being mostly (88%) spent on programs and the members rather than payroll and such.
When Dr. John Bell asked John to describe in ten minutes the purpose of our society at BYU, he brought up the following main points:
1. Stating our mission (helping students realize their potential through academics, leadership, and service)
2. Talking about scholarships
3. Contributing to the University and the Provo community in general.
John also stresses that Golden Key represents a lot of opportunities for service because we have so many members and there is a lot of money allotted for scholarships - a large amount that has yet to be tapped into. His motto? "Let's use our members and let's use those funds."